Tags: Jesus
August 4, 2020
In this class, we look at Colossians 4:2-6. After working on our own lives to truly make Christ all to us, what must our focus be? Did Christ only die for us? If He is living in us, we must be busy taking His gospel to others as well so that they can be complete to stand in Him also.
July 30, 2020
In this class, we look at Colossians 3:18-4:1 which applies the things we are to put on in Christ to our relationships, especially within the home.
July 21, 2020
Our text today is Colossians 3:1-11. What does it mean that Christ is our life? How is He all and in all? We will look at this idea in this first of two lessons on this text.
July 16, 2020
The today is Colossians 2:13-23. When we understand Christ and our relationship with Him properly, how does that effect our thinking about what it really means to be holy? Are there things we need to be doing beyond what Christ taught, such as some laws from the Old Testament that will make us better Christians? Let’s look at it together.
The text today is Colossians 2:4-12. Where do we find completeness? Should we look to philosophy? Tradition? Let’s look at this together.
July 7, 2020
Colossians in many ways is focused on the greatness of Christ and how fulfillment is only found in Him. Today, we will look at Colossians 1:13-23 that really demonstrates why Christ has preeminence (first place) in everything.
What do God’s laws about slavery in the Old Testament teach us about Christ and His people today? Let’s look at this together.
What do the laws about what is clean and unclean teach us about Christ? Let’s look at that together.
Joseph was like Christ in many ways. Let us look at how he was a shadow of the One to come.
What do we see in the life of Moses that foreshadows Christ? Let’s take a look together.
The Passover is a very powerful image of what Christ was doing as our Redeemer. What are some of the things this shadows demonstrates about Christ and His sacrifice? Let’s look at it together.
What does the law and culture regarding the firstborn in the Old Testament have to do with Christ and His people? Let’s look at that together.
What does the Sabbath teach us about Christ and our relationship with God today? Let’s look at this together.
What do the Holy Place and Most Holy Place teach us about Christ and the church? Let’s look at that together.
What connection does the tabernacle have with Christ? What do we learn about Christ and His body through the design of the place of worship in the Old Testament?
Can we still learn something from the Old Testament? What does Colossians mean when it talks about the Old Testament things being shadows? What does the Old Testament teach us about Christ today?
You can also read an article on this topic here.
Who is Jesus? What makes Him perfect to be the sacrifice for our sins?